Need collaborators for a TUG (I’m not sure if this is off topic or not)

I need collaborators for a “The Ultimate Guide To Minecraft” If anyone wants to collaborate that would be great. I will make the beginning (introduction, suggested blocks and props, etc) and I will tag anybody who wants to help so they can edit and add their own guides! I will give credits. Thank you! Disclaimer I’m not sure if this is off topic or not, so sorry if this is.

Disclaimer! If you want to collaborate you also HAVE to reply so I know your username

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If you’re collaborating please reply, so I know your username

Bet I’ll collab
Idk but I think you’re allowed to do this

Great! If you’re collaborating make sure to reply as well! Just like breathtaking did

Btw if I don’t get at least 6 collaborators I might not make the guide, because I have school and other things.

Iam not yet, I want to though, how do I get in it?

I’ll make the beginning portion and tag you guys so you can collab

what do your mean
cant you not share codes or this something else?

I mean I’ll make the first part of the TUG and tag you guys if you want to collaborate

Heads up everybody! Today is the last day I will allow people to reply saying if or if not they want to collaborate. This tug will be a long project so I need at least 6 collaborators and so far I have 2, so if you want to collaborate please, please reply so I know your username and can tag u once I make the first part of tug

i want to collab

I want to collab.

I have a secret

I have a broken ring finger on my right hand.

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Isn’t there a guide for this?