Need battle royale thumbnail

I made a battle royale game and I need a thumbnail plz help!

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I can create one! Any specific details?

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hello I’ll try but I’ve got to do like 10 thumbnails first. =D


no specific detail make it like two people fighting and is It free?

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ok if you can make it two people fighting and make it say battle rolaye

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I can try… lots of stuff to do irl

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easy i’ll start now maybe later.

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wdym by free TvT

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so it’s not? this is fllier text

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ok reply when you can

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two vs two or 2 vs 2


I will work on it and have it done by tomorrow! I am pretty slow rn so… ye


thx i can wait! again this is filler text

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no people 1v1ing it’s a free for all

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I’m fast

don't press

he’s as fast as lighting. =>

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YIIPPPPIEEE!!! Thumbnail finding streak!

Btw is it ok if I send 2, I have one from my friend who doesn’t use the forums?


ya sure I am going to pick the best!

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filler text by the way

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K hers sadly has 4 gims fighting but ima make 2 rn

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Its good you can wait, it’ll take me really long

Instead of saying

use <> instead. type what ever you want in the <>. like this.

notice how the huu isn’t in my post.

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