Need a thumbnail

Yep! Here.

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so your aloud to ask thumbnail now? are there rules about it though? (I mean I just want to know before I flag people for asking)

Yes. The rules are try to post little thumbnail requests as you can.

not trying to be pushy but by chance do you have the shots from it?
Also nice job on your thumbnail! I could never draw that good!

Thanks! What do you mean by shots? You mean the bullets?

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pixelated screech

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thats a cool gim

Thank you so much!

How did you make THAT!?!? Thats incredible, Im going to wait for couple aritsts. Then make a poll. I see u winning so far!

Okay, making one! Hold on…


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It took SOOO long, i had to delicately intricately erase small parts, restore others, getting the water out is a LOT harder than you would think…

what should the map name be?
and should i put game by [forum name]
or a different name/nickname?

Not trying to brag or anything but (chuckle) i’m amazing. But, for real, I like to draw ever since I was like five and I wanted to be a cartoonist.

Its hard I know lol

Here is what I have so far, any suggestions for revison, edits, anything i need to add?
Should i fill in the empty space?

Im just hoping @TheWorldo replies, but krishnava yep, ur amazing

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Thats amazing!