Need a thumbnail for my game DLD With "cheats"

  1. Name of Game Dont look down With Cheats
  2. Summary of Game A exact recreation of dld but i added some “cheats” settings that can be changed
  3. Setting DLD
  4. What gims you want to be used The same ones used in the og dld
  5. What the gims are doing/character actions the same as dld if possible
  6. Author of Game Eldionyt

I can do it. Is there a due date?

I want it done in at most a month

Ok. I will have it done by the end of the month at the latest.

Might do this if i have time :3

ian falls down some stairs
Tbh, this has been bugging me
Seeing a thumbnail request that has the text not darken
Now i gotta do one since im here

ian falls down some more stairs
Finished :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Thats actually really fire

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How long did your artwork take Ian?

20-30 minutes minimum

I gonna make one, be back in a bit

That would take me 40 minutes - 3 hours. HOWWW

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Its called
Being skilled on a ipad
And tracing


Buddy nice drawing skills but after hearing this I’m gonna go ahead and ignore you for the rest of my life (Nah I’m just messin with ya, or am I???)

No originality :sob:
I’ll try to make one.

here is my thumbnail

can you find the hidden fersion virus in this picture?


Nice job
Wait a minute
Did you use your user name under the player as the by?
If so, genius

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the goat gim is my fav of the drawing

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It’s not great, and I just added a bit to the original DLD thumbnail, but here it is!