Need a red vs blue thumbnail idc how it looks

Need a red vs blue thumbnail idc how it looks

I will try brb
(First thumbnail nervousness)

it’s alright it happens

@TuckerDavisPayne I can try to make one, but I’m not that good of an artist

Also @BMW23 this is my first time making a thumbnail as well


its nice having new artist come and give it a try

Thanks @thatmyboy :slightly_smiling_face:

If my art is bad don’t be mean :worried:

nah it’s fine. i used to be bad myself

now i usually just hand draw it instead of photoshop

How long have you been making art?

like on these forums?

I need one of my guides rq brb

Wait, before you answer, where here for @TuckerDavisPayne
Not our own little thing, we need to help him first

k, ill tell you when it’s done @TuckerDavisPayne

Welcome to the forums @TuckerDavisPayne I can do one if you would like?

It’s not very good but it took me some time for the CUSTOM GIMS!!!
I could’ve made them cooler but I’m lazy
(Sorry I had responded to the wrong person)


i like it thank you very much

any requiremets to this thumbnail?

i just have to rebuild my map because i let my friend get in and i forgot to turn off permissions so i have to rebuild it

nah there are no requirements