I plan on making a game with zombies in it but I don’t have a name
Gim vs zombies. (Hee hee pvz reference)
Gimpocolpsye (like apoclolypse)
Gimkit: Dawn of Zombies
Gims VS Zombies (like dark hydra but no pvz reference)
Zomgim Outbreak
Fallgim 5
fallgim 5 that’s funny
I’m gonna do Gimkit: Dawn of the Undead
Boo no pvz no cool name
how can I make a barn?
I know they have a barn but it doesn’t work
So some type of farming thing?
I cant find it on props
Maybe ask someone? A good prop artist?
Take a look at this
Take a look at farm chain and its props, you can use those props to make a barn
I thought they had a barn because in the only up thing the growing up level 4/6 has a big barn unless it’s only in platformer
Search for farm barrier art of ask in a different topic
Xanthia, land of the Damned