My topic continues to be closed

Someone posted a comment on my Wonka topic and it was immediately flagged and my topic was closed for 4 hours. That was 20 hours ago. It’s not fair. @WolfTechnology, how do I get it open again?

Not unless the mods clear the flag it can’t be opened back up.


NOOOOOOO I am using your amazing ideas for my map!


@Jeffo we need innocents for his topic and it was totally unfair that this was flagged.
Please undo the flag but maybe you can delete the off topic comments.
I am so sorry for tagging you but this is serious!
I currently do not have access to my email otherwise I would not be tagging you.

Also please continue this discussion with @JasonLeft

GimkitLover1 also known as G_Fresh_3101

(Again sorry for bothering you)


There, I tagged Jeffo and he should be able to figure things out with you.


The mods don’t really like to get pinged. Also you can go to the 3 dots where it says more. Go to groups and click on the moderators group. Then just click the message button.

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Bruh stop pinging the mods and acting like its nothing
Can someone flag that post for me pls? I don’t have tl2 so I can’t flag.

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also you don’t need to sign your posts we can see who said it


Only moderators can help you with this.

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Don’t ping the mods.
They have enough to deal with.
It’s not serious.
Also, please don’t sign your posts. It’s unnecessary, as people can already see who you are, and it’s getting annoying.

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The automated system closed your topic due to too many flags, it’ll reopen once the mods clear the flags.
Please don’t ping them. Ever. It’s very inconsiderate as your putting your needs in front of what they need to do.
They’ll review the flags on their own time, in the meantime, be patient and touch gr@ss

Well, you have to wait for the mods, or you could try what he did, and email them and contact them everywhere because you can’t wait a few hours/days.

Ok, I am going to mark a solution and close this because I can see this getting out of control. I have not been rude to anyone on this forum.

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I can’t believe grass is censored here

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I know.
You never pinged Jeffo or bugged the mods on a bunch of sites.
I was referring to the people that did.

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