My sentry won't shoot at an enemy and I made him active on game start

also when the sentry is knocked out it won’t deactivate the barrier even thought I set it up to do so.

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Is the enemy a player? Also, may I see pictures.



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what do does that mean.

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It might be on the same team as the player.

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I’ts on a different team.

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May I see some pictures.

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Is there anything possibly blocking it?

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And the code please.

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I was thinking maybe the item it’s suppose to drop might be blocking it but I’m not sure.

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Try without the item.


(post deleted by author)

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Never put codes @Fire. Delete it. It’s against the forum rules. Just explain the problem to me.

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Try it without the knockout item.


Maybe try refreasing it as well.

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I don;t think you can connect the sentry to an item and make it work… But there’s been a lot of glitches in the sentry so this well… common…

Maybe use channels instead of wires. It a) makes it look cleaner on edit mode, and b) it allows for more precise commands.

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The sentry won’t shoot at the sentry behind the snow man but the sentry behind the snow man shoots at the other sentry when the hidden sentry destroys the other sentry it’s suppose to open the barrier and the sentry’s suppose to drop his weapon.

I can show you the channels.