My map needs more lore, locations and Easter eggs

Hey, so I’ve been making my game for quite a while and its been made by less effort and I’m afraid the people that play my games think I was lazy because my last chapter of my series isn’t as advanced as the other ones.
so I need You guys to help me make my game LARGE and with so much more lore, Easter eggs space and maybe even references to other gimkit games.
I’m not sure if I can make a padlet for this so we can communicate because I don’t have an email I can use.

Here is the bio for the first 2 games and the one I’m currently making for the last one-

1.arcade of dinasaurs The title says it all! there are a bunch of secret, a few of typos.

2.after a few years you wanted to go back to the arcade you went to in your childhood but everything has changd since then but something doesn’t feel right, like your being watched…And its not the cameras.

  1. There’s something eerie about the place.

Something funny about entering the building.

You shouldn’t be here but you feel a pull towards the place.

People used to say back in 1996 that they could feel a presence around the carpets.

Nothing felt right.

What’s your game about? What’s the storyline so far?

Is your game a platformer or top-down?

I’m not sure if I can make a padlet for this so we can communicate because I don’t have an email I can use.

hey, you can use this padlet, code is (you may have to request access, or I could give a code):

Um, what IS it about? I’m sure I have some ideas…

The Easter bunny got kidnapped by Santa Claus and needs to be rescued by the players. If the players find all the eggs they can free the Easter Bunny

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I recently helped someone with a Galactic Standard Alphabet, her it is, if it helps:

ᔑ ʖ ᓵ ⟍̅ ᒷ ⎓ ˧ ⍑ ¦ ⋮ ꖌ ᒲ リ ꖎ 𝙹 !¡ ᑑ ∷ ᓭ ℸ ̣ ⚍ ⍊ ∴ ̇/ ǁ ⨅

(Alphabetical Order, A-Z)


? do you want the code… strange

OH, arcade!!! Let’s see, secret room in the walls bu using 1 floor terrain in the walls to make a “crack,” interactive vending machines with pop-ups, use tickets gotten at vending machines to buy things at the front counter YES YES YES!!!

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Hey maybe add a shrine to the imposters gim

Here’s a guide on how to create Easter Eggs (Hidden Features/Video Game Term): Click Here. I hope that helps.

The lore has already been set with timeline, what im asking for is for other people to help me biuld the lore live.

This is the 3rd chapter-this arcade is Is abondened

ok thank

It’s a normals game.

i dont think you should keep posting i feel like everybody is offline now because where im at it night like 11:00

Realize that people aren’t just in your timezone – about ten people are online right now

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no i was talking about where im at look

i said because where I’M at is 11:00