ok, thank you bro
specific type of gim for boss or no?
i use bonesy in the game
but idrc the type of gim
wow, that’s actually a lot better!
One last thing:
Could you add a title in the top right saying:
Ultimate Gimkit Parkour?
This is by far one of my fav thumbnails!
so I’m gonna wait for like 2-3 more people to make thumbnails
and then I will decide.
Is that alright with you?
oh yea that’s totally fine!
take as much time as you need and consider as many different options as u want, all good
just glad that the thumbnail is to your liking so far
can’t wait to see what you decide on eventually!!
you should make it so…
- the terrains on the ground
- the gims are changing jumping threw the lines like this
but the first half is one one side but the other halfs on the other side of the line
The generator in the first one looks sketch…
I think that all of these are good, but one must be decided. Or does it… Could one possibly be compiled from ALL of them? Only time will tell…
The changing Gims look a little weird in my opinion.
yeah bc it took me like 1 min i grabbed a gim from one way up creative since my friend lemme borrow his acc anyways i got that then just grabbed a random gim from 2d