My button is activated

I have a button, when pressed, it activatates another button, but the button isn’t activating.

What’s the second button’s activation scope?

Global, because my game is single player.

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Is the button just wired?

I wired the button, I double checked the wire settings

When you press the first button, does the green bar just go all the way back to the beginning? When you tap and hold. On this:

Green bar?

how long do you have to interact? i know there is an just press button, so if you don’t have a green bar, either you aren’t clicking it or it is a just press button. but the green bar looks like this:

Yes, when I’m done pressing it, like normal

You interact for one second

so does the green bar appear? and does it go fully to the end?

Yes, but it randomly started working, let me test again

That’s odd, it works now…


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