Murder Mystery Help 4

So, I have the mechanics for ending the game when the number of innocents plus the sheriff are all dead, and it doesn’t work
What I Have:


Any ideas???

what does the block code look like?

here you go:

How does it track the amount of players on each team?

live player counters, just change the relay to a specific team instead of everyone

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and do you have an endgame device that ends the game when receiving endgame? I don’t see it in the pic

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is the block code that got cut off the properties of the amount of dead people from each team?

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In the last pic, maybe you need a relay after the lifecycle?

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no, it ends there. when you get killed, it sets you to spectator, which doesn’t count on the player counters, so you shouldn’t have to add anything.

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so players2 and players3 track that respective amount of players, right?

players2 tracks the innocents and players3 tracks the sheriff

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so if innocents + the sheriff is less than or equal to one, the game ends?


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how are the murderers tracked?

you can make to send a signal when they are knocked out using a lifecycle, and then wire that to a counter, and make the counter affect a property

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they shouldn’t have to be tracked, as the player counters are only counting the innocents and the sheriffs

i’ll try that

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yeah, that makes sense.

it didn’t work…
the game still ended when the murderer killed 1 person (we have 4 people on)