Multiple Team Knockout

Is it possible to make a device that when 1 team gets knocked out they immediately get turned into a spectator but works for every team in the same device or needing multiple?

When you say team do you want it that when one person of a team gets knocked out ,then they turn to spectator.

Well there’s only 1 person per team and once that team gets knocked out they turn into a spectator (Also I forgot to mention this is for a bedwars map and like bedwars they can respawn but once that team’s bed is destroyed they can’t respawn)

So I did some looking around for guides but their is none with pictures so this is the best I could find other than guides without pictures. I’m pretty bad at explaining so I just though it was better to send this

This should work because this was a solution for somebody else with basically the same question.

If this works mark a solution.

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