So here’s the deal. I need to make monarch wings from hollow knight (essentially a double jump) and crystal heart (kind of like a super dash) now I have ideas (below) so if you have any better ideas than let me know (you will receive credit when I release hollow knight part 4)
Monarch Wings
This system makes it so when you jump in specific areas a Game Overlay appears saying “Use Monarch Wings”. When clicked a barrier (invisible) appears beneath you so you can reach the higher areas.
It has a very limited use even though Monarch Wings are useful in so many other instances.
It will stack up memory having to build this system over and over and over again.
Any ideas?
Crystal Dash
This system allows you to click a button on specific areas where crystal dash is necessary. Then a barrier appears beneath you (most Crystal Dashes are in mid-air) and gives you max speed. When you reach the opposite end, the speed and barrier deactivate.
Same problems as Monarch Wings
Can be exploited using super speed
If my explanation of how Crystal Dash works isn’t good watch a YouTube video. Any Ideas?
Thanks guys!
Hollow Knight Part 4 flying at ya real soon!
Maybe don’t make it? I’m just sayin; if it uses tons of memory, you may not have enough left for the rest of your game. Check to be sure if they’re necessary to the game.
I have an idea for Monarch Wings that probably won’t work but it might be worth a try. What about moving zones that follow the player? Some code could get involved, too. If everything just brainfarts, maybe AI could help
I asked it for code that can go through a trigger, I think it did kind of well, except it hasn’t been trained for that specific reason. Solution: train your own AI… or find an updated, coding ai.
// Hypothetical Gimkit Creative Script
// Define a trigger for when the player collects a specific item
onTrigger('collectItem', (player, item) => {
if ( === 'specialItem') {
// Grant the player a special ability
player.addAbility('invisibility', 30); // Invisibility for 30 seconds
// Define the special ability
function addAbility(player, ability, duration) {
switch (ability) {
case 'invisibility':
setTimeout(() => {
}, duration * 1000);
case 'doublePoints':
setTimeout(() => {
}, duration * 1000);
// Add more abilities as needed
console.log('Unknown ability:', ability);
// Add the special item to the game world
addGameItem('specialItem', {
name: 'Special Item',
description: 'Grants a special ability upon collection',
onCollect: (player) => {
// Trigger the collectItem event
trigger('collectItem', player, { id: 'specialItem' });
// Helper function to add an item to the game world
function addGameItem(id, config) {
// Hypothetical function to add an item to the game
// This is just an example and may not represent actual API calls
game.addItem(id, config);
// Helper function to trigger an event
function trigger(event, ...args) {
// Hypothetical event triggering function
// This is just an example and may not represent actual API calls
game.triggerEvent(event, ...args);
This is not helpful code, it is just an example of AI code
I tried to say it nicely.
PLEASE STOP POSTING AI IN MY TOPIC, I DO NOT WANT IT. Worse is that you even said it isn’t helpful, meaning your still not stopping the argument I asked you too.
Maybe try telling the AI that Gimkit uses Blockly code for device blocks. That was all Javascript, which would only be useful for coding an original game (not in Gimkit).
so monarch wings are literally just when you jump and press a button, you have a half a second to jump again?
maybe just put it in only the places you need it and instead of specific channels per overlay, they activate every barrier when receiving on channel ‘monarch.wings’ or whatever, because the game is single-player, right?
crystal dash seems like it can also be used in specific circumstances, so when player enters zone, activate all barriers and set player to specific speed, and after the barrier time runs out, then deactivate everything and send the player to normal speed.
tell me if i made some mistake or something idk much about how it looks