Mode Madness 2024: QUARTERFINALS


can u make one of his eyes winking?
post it on the doc

If you say only for kat people are gunna see it on purpose


:man_shrugging: can say I didn’t try

yes there is a padlet

Man, that’s wacky


I meant like
Genesis and Coda for the Wiki
That one team for the Discord
And all that

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I got bored and made some practice pixel art.


Shouldn’t we stop replying here since there are semifinal update now?


There is the semifinal post now so this is the LAST POST

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Raises hand
I too, was there when it was posted.
The last reply (gotcha lol)

Hey, you! No more replies here!


That is just too ironic. There were LITERALLY NO REPLYING until you replied! We already had a warning! Your words aren’t any different from wingwave and WhoAmI’s words! I get that you were trying to help, but helping in this case does absolutely NO. GOOD. Because there was already no activity on this post for a while… there was no reason for a repeat of basically the two posts above your post. So… why would you do that?!


its an infinite loop… someone else’s gonna reply with “StOp RePlYiNg!!!”


also could we not use those “oH dOn’T rEpLy ThIs Is ThE lAsT rEpLy” posts because they’re stupid, off-topic, and create clutter like the “wHeRe’D yOuR hAt Go?!” jokes

about eggnoodle's post earlier

not only do i recognize them all, i even got to meet some of them!

(“some” as in navy and mysz though)

for gimkit101

@Gimkit101, no, we just got to chat together on another forum

but it would be cool if we met in-person (well, i do know where gimsolver, captain-gim, and haiasi live). also, what time are you available?

edit: @Gimkit101 ok, i’m available:

  • monday past 7:30 pm (swimming and piano)
  • tuesday - thursday 3:00 - 4:30 pm and 7:00 - 8:00 pm
  • friday - saturday past 3 pm
  • sunday past 7 pm
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Yeah, so many people have (harsh words coming soon) main character syndrome and think that their words will stop the replies and they’re the ones that are going to stop the off-topic stuff, when instead they’re just causing more activity and trouble. I think at this point people should know that unless you’re a mod, nearly no one will actually listen to your posts. Sad truth.

It kind of reminds me of Death in Puss In Boots: The Last Wish who says something like “Everyone thinks they’ll be the one to defeat me… but no one has yet”. Replace the character “Death” with a character called “Dumb replies” and you’ve got an award-winning villain right there.


@eiqcrmeliutgwhc, meet as in in person?

Yay! I’m on Spring Break now!!! :partying_face: I’ll see y’all in 1.5 weeks. LOL :rofl: Feel free to ping me, but there’s a very small chance I’ll reply.

I may get a chance to work on my game over my break - r u going to be free to help at all?

@eiqcrmeliutgwhc, I might pop in to work on it for a few hours maybe on a week day since I’ll be out of school. Does that work for you?

Edit: Sorry, @eiqcrmeliutgwhc, but I’m only free during school hours. Gtg, bye! :wave:

Can we all please go to the semifinals post? just don’t reply and go there. i know people probably won’t listen to me but this is getting out of hand.

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i don’t see what the point of not replying here but replying there is. we’re being off-topic either way.
but fine.


And all these new users don’t even realize how bad some OGs thought it was in September and October! Geez, the fact that new users (I’m one too!) now think that the old bad days were the old good days because we’re in the new bad days that are worse than the old bad days that were worse than the old good days that were near the start of the forum days. I wonder if the new new bad days and the new new bad bad days will come which will be worse than the new new bad days which will be worse than the new bad days which will be worse than the bad days which will be worse than the old good days which will be equal to the old forum days. Wow!