[ 🤏 Mini-Guide] How to make a sheriff system [Difficulty 2/10]

but I need one for 3 separate guides.

Would it be possible to merge it all into one guide?

No, as potionmaster said it’s not that popular and we should create tags for popular topics in the forum, for example, when 2D platforming comes out we can make a #platformer tag or #dld/dont-look-down tag.

If we create lots of tags for topics that have only a few in it, it’ll add lots of clutter and confuse new users.


interesting…what could I do with this…

@Illumerix You can simplify that by using this instead, also 1-5 are triggering player’s team number but 6 is knocked player team number, is that intentional or not?


The team 6 was the imposter team so yes it was intentional. Also thanks for that suggestion, that looks A LOT more simple. Thank you!

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Welcome to the forum @Illumerix! nice guide!

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bump! I love this guide @Illumerix !


Thanks! Great to know people use my guides for their projects!

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