Do Y’all got ideas for mini games because i’m making a game that has multiple mini games in it.
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Here are a few common ones:
- Spleef
- Pickaxe Fight
- Parkour
- PvP
- Single Prop Battle (Players fight on a single prop)
- Hide & Seek
- Find The Button
- Don’t Press The Button
- Laser Maze
- Bossfights
Thank you everyone for the ideas.
Welcome to the forums btw.
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Thank you for welcoming me here
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you could do difficulty for mazes
You could add one where you have to dodge sentries’ attacks in a tight space and you have to get to the end?
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Xp & Parkour (that’s what I used in one of my old mini games) u basically make a parkour and throughout the parkour put questioners
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Ooh, let me try!
- CTF (Capture the Flag)
- Whack-The-Sentry?
- Car/Driving Game
- Mario Party Stuff
- Four in a Row
- Matching Games
The possibiliites are endless! Hope you find what you need!
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Also, welcome to the forums TheGreatestTormentor!