Melee weapons the Valxian Version

I’ll fix the title.


could this be used to create a game like the original zelda game? and also in a tag zone are you able to tag a sentry because if not than my idea wont really work.


No, you can’t do that.

Thank you, I am working on another guide right now so I didn’t want to lose all my work.

bump with wither head

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I bumped a window with a crowbar and found this guide.

Now I just gotta get out of ETF

I bumped into some coral! And then saw this guide.

I just bumped this tho. :smile:

Yes but I co-bumped it.

Oh, then cool. Thank you. How is that lore website going?

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Um ok. I dont know which template to use.

Don’t, templates are boring. Make it how you want it. You can choose everything, even the backround color’s.

Ok : D I dont use canva often so

I do, ask if you need any help. By pinging me and only do it descretely.

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Ok sorry off topic but I finished! Thanks for the help with canva

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Your welcome, and congrats!

I like the handwritten elements. Kinda like mine.

Thanks! I might have taken inspiration from the WOF guide.

WOF? What da huh now?