Measurement Thoughts

True dat

This is the smallest you can shrink a prop/device to
(it’s a basketball)

In-game look:


Waahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhh uhh…
Why? Would you need that?

Couldn’t you turn on the grid? Also if you turn on any form of grid snap except for “none”, it subdivides each tile into 64 smaller tiles (so 8x8 per tile)


That would be a micro-tile or a nano-tile or maybe something like that if we borrow from the metric system


How about this scale:

Nano-Tile,1/20th of a tile? The smallest size of a basketball prop and is used only for scientific purposes.
Quarter-Tile, 1/4 of a tile.
Semi-Tile, 1/2 of a tile.
Tile, 1 tile.
Official Gimmeter (or OGimmeter, or just a meter), 1 tile.
Unofficial Gimmeter (or UGimmeter), 4 tiles.
kilogimeter, 40 tiles.
Gimmile, 100 tiles.
Map-length: 150 - 500 tiles.

Conversions are bad because who’s actually making 4,000 tiles in their game?

Area is measured in tiles and unofficial gimmeters.


Forms of Measurment:
Tile. A normal block is equal to a tile.
The next smallest is used with barriers. It is half the size of a tile. Called a Half-Tile
The smallest that can be achieved using barriers is 1/4 of a tile. Called a Fourth-tile.
These names are placeholders.
Based off @mysz 's names for the tiles


If using a different scale, please specify.

How would you make a nano tile?

One of those tiny props.

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Edited it.

Cool. But how would you know if the prop was equal to 1/20 of a tile

I guessed. Haha.


Standard Geometric Shapes in Gimkit:

4x4 square: (Area of 16 square-tiles or 4 square-ugimmeters).

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Unofficial Gimmeters

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I have now changed the post and added everything in it. I need help on what to call the 40 tiles and 20 tile though

4 tiles should be a GimRod since it’s like 0.4 meters away from an actual rod

I thought the m just stood for meters…