Maybe New Discovery

I originally had property 2 set to two, and three to three, but I changed it to test the modification order.

Can you test if you can put multiple property types, like set one to text and one to a number property and make it change the property to “rabbit” or something like that?

So… I don’t mean to be a bummer, but why might I use this?

Like to track which property to update first?

Like set if changing property values is considered modification? Or which property will be changed?

So you can set a property to any data type you want: number, text, and true/false(boolean)

But I can already do that… Or what if I just use variables like a normal person?


Variables are only stored in blocks, and then they are discarded, but properties are stored through the entire game. Also, we can make the same property be able to have different property types.

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But I can reference variables via blocks. I can even hook up a trigger to a device that has no blocks if I need…

Ah… give me an example of where I would use this.

Like endings in rank of a race?

I don’t think that variables are saved between block usage, but I’m not a variable expert.

I tested what would happen when a property was changed with all possible type of values and nothing is happening…

I don’t know where I would use it as of now. I just know that it has been useful in CS.

Can you show me your setup?

Okay. Good to know!

Gtg for now, but it appears it sets it to last modified as well

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Oh I must’ve messed up with my AUO or something…

Another day, another new tech.


yeah, true. Gimkit has come so far.


It finally looks like the community I thought it was in May.