Math in blocks is not working!

2nd answer yes.

I don’t even know what you’re trying to accomplish lol

An explanation would be greatly appreciated.

Ok pretty much I’m doinf the Collatz conjecture

To locate an odd number, there are multiple methods which can be employed. One approach involves starting with an even number and then increasing it by one. As an illustration, if one begins with the even number ten, one can obtain the odd number eleven by augmenting it with one. Another technique entails multiplying an odd integer by three followed by adding one. This will produce another odd integer

That sound AI generated bro. :skull:

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Prove it then math genius



stupid detectors are faulty

Don’t be rude


Also what? exactly is that problem?

bro mathmatically it is between

the probability of such chances is so low that how can you prove a 56% chance if you cant solve this math in your blocks?

Quit arguing ok?
If you argue any further I will flag

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were not argueing we talking about math rn

Are you really trying to solve another Clay Institute problem :skull:


That would be so cool - thanks for the idea! (For ai detecting)


Its not clay institute though (realizes clay institute is in the real world too)


wdym? (for Ai detecting) like your going to research if I am tricking you with AI?

No like an ai detector in gimkit
Time to get back on topic

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it takes all my brain cells to have this make sense. but still doesn’t

what would be the point if you cannot really chat quite yet exactly with the exception of guides

but the way they are made is you have allotted choices or you have to press button by button