Map ideas please!

go to prefrences, and then go to profile

You go to profile pic on the top,click it ,then summary then preferences and there should be a edit thing

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try this:


thx! I will do that right now.

@Crimson_Knight @speedy_kd4 @sir_lancelot please stay on topic

Yeah sorry…


do you guys have access to the wix? we could/should discuss stuff there instead. (so we dont get off topic.)

I said, please stop off topic

whoops, sorry potato1.

also, there last post was 2 months ago

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oh, I should have seen that.

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Full of Ideas

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a. I already posted that, please look before you post
b. this guy’s last post is 2 months ago

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hi I havent been on in months im so sorry ive had so mutch homework and tests i havent had time

Check my guide. It’s got a lot.

@potato1 please dont critezize i dont have time allways

you can’t just break rules and avoid consequences

please mark an answer @dogebread


Because there was like no reason for them to randomly bump this up because someone didn’t mark a solution

ok now we go back on topic

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