Map ideas please. My mind is blank :(

Also, this privacy policy could most likely be assumed to be implied since this is a site using an engine.


You do collect info - when someone signs up, you get their email address. For all someone knows, you could be lying and selling their info. To be safe, you should make a privacy policy. @WhereIsMyHat, can you go to my chat box - @WolfTechnology is right.

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I don’t even know any of the emails or take the time to actually care. I don’t waste my time looking at random people’s emails when I have other stuff to do. Also, the same thing could be true of your chat in your wixsite.


I understand you’re not selling emails, but someone might think you’re lying eventually and you could end up in legal trouble (even as a minor). I’m just saying that a Privacy Policy would help keep you legally safe. FYI, my blog chat connects only to me and I’m already working on a Privacy Policy for my site.

If you want to continue discussing this, plz go to my blog chat. This is creating clutter.

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I’m willing to chat via email, but I’m not really going to chat any other way.


Ok. Is there a problem with my chat box?

Idk, but I would still prefer it.


My school doesn’t want me to give out my email - I could get in trouble. Can you go on the chat if that’s the only way?

Does any of this have to do with the original thing that leo_flowers need help with?

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Sadly not - things got off-topic after someone mentioned the game-sharing Wixsite was down.

So… any other ideas? If not, I can mark a solution.

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well they will need creative mode for DLD

Please get back on topic guys


Welcome to the forum, @phoque! I hope you enjoy your time here!

Feel free to reach out to me whenever (except on weekends) for GKC help on the forums or in the chat box on my Gimkit blog, GimStream.

I recommend that as a new user, you read the TOS and FAQ. These resources can be crucial in making the most of your time in the forum.

Additionally, you should check out the forum-beginners and forum-tips tags for more GKC forum information. Please work with us to bring about a new Era in the forum - one where conversations are on-topic and as little posts need to get flagged as possible.

Have a great day!

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I’m so sorry! I’m new so I don’t understand the rules very well


It’s okay! We all make mistakes, especially when we first join. (yes I said join)

Just say join normally.

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