Map help… again

My other games are almost done will publish in September-October. I’m trying a new type of game, it’s a horror map. Yes I’m aware of the age stuff I will limit the gore and put a warning.

So the game revolves around Hollowvale a strange town where a shapeshifter has been running loose. You are a detective called from a city called gimtopia who has been told to track down the shapeshifter. The majority of the game is tracking down who and where this shapeshifter is while fighting off other monsters and searching for clues(if I have memory I will randomize this part so it’s different every time). At the end when you find them in their original form you end up in a boss battle.

so helpful things

Simple ideas

  1. Main character’s name(less memory than using blocks also works better for story purposes)
  2. Decor ideas I’m tired of people saying something like add trees I know that put actual thought into your answer

Harder things

  1. Mechanic ideas for fights
  2. Mechanic ideas in general
  3. Lore
  4. Design ideas (of course screenshots always help)

Anyways because people are going to ask I hope to finish this in winter hopefully before my birthday and winter break.


Hmm. Maybe put layered transparent barriers over the map to make it seem dark, but use animation to make it flicker every once in a while
Same thing with eyes every now and then. Glowing lil eyes from windows and stuff blinking at random(izer?)
Hmm… lore…
-main character name-, I am your father ahh moment (lol)
Being fr, you can give the main character a secret side storyline that goes through how your family was part of a cult (pi cult mysz???) that worshiped a malicious deity that they harbored in the mansion. You can include random zones in hard to find places (sus) that trigger bits and pieces of your memories of them and why you cant find any remnants of them anywhere anymore. Then you find out they didn’t exist at all and you have schizophrenia and the game ends (insane ending) (lol).


Is the main person a boy or a girl?

Mregg is alive???
Dang so many forumers coming back to life recently

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I mean summer break is about to be over :sob: And ways back on topic

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Okay to help put like scray areas that have everything tinted dark with a barrier that is not quite all 100% visible.
Add townswhere you can ask about things and sometimes it will be te shapeshifter so you have to determine if t is true or not based on facts you know when you start the game, also in one part you are talking to someone when the exact duplicate walks in then they argue who is the shape shifter until you decide and if correct he shape shifts into an ant and gets away, this lwads to what you want, more game or a sequal.


Fight idea: When fighting the shapeshifter, every phase of the fight could be randomly chosen from different things like different sentries with different weapons or a custom thing made of barrier art that uses lasers or something

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LOL that’s funny! :rofl:

Did you ever finish that other haunted house game I helped you with, @Foxy?

Most likely girl but might change for story purposes
Easier to do my own gender

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Huh in summer there are less non useful comments

@Gimkit101 read the post :)


Ohh, oops. Lol :rofl:

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Note for future if you want a response right away I’m on at 3:45

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Maybe you can add a secret dungeon with many ghosts in it. And when you go in, the doors behind you shut and you have to escape it. Use camera view to make it more zoomed in which’ll make it scarier.

@VoidFluffy had a great idea! But maybe just have it only dark in the dungeon and in case you don’t know how to make the barriers with no collision then do this :point_down:
Go to all options and scroll to bottom and press the collision enabled and press no.


Maybe add a creepy flooded cave in the basement?? You could have one side be in the house, and another be in a creepy room with a mysterious artifcat. You could use this guide: How to make a breath metre :yellow_square:

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And maybe some plants that strangle you if you touch them. Basically, evil plants.


Plant traps too lol
Like you get ensnared in the vines, and you have to spam a button multiple times to get out


I like it. How about this is in a secret plant territory with the evil plant sentrys.


VoidFluffy, can we still put in replies?

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Well yeah I didn’t close this

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