Making an elevator

no, it’s acceptable in this case. Unless you didn’t take time to read the TOS, you would know the age limit is 13+. This user doesn’t seem the age.

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Oh, sorry… I guess I only read the Guidelines. Do you have a link?

Proving the statement: You probably haven’t read the TOS. Please go read it. You would understand why that question is in the right if you did.

it’s okay! there ya go :)


Sorry, I found them… The Terms Of Service Are LONG…
Also I found something in there about circumnavigating these things…
Um, I think I have circumnavigated some of the words like P3ac0ck, and have seen others with images. I guess there does need to be more moderation attention.

hm. Yes, it is an issue. Hopefully…after all the attention brought to the issue, that’ll happen.

Well, back on topic now.


{Fake-Like} (I ran out, but people are saying it’s annoying and causing clutter so I am taking up as little space as possible. That thing about being on topic and then having an off topic message was ironic, though.