Making a No-Jump System!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my first guide. I will keep this short until I get the hang of making guides. :smile:
In this guide it will show you step by step on how to create a system that prevents a player from jumping. (This can be used for troll maps, challenges, etc.) WARNING :warning:(This isn’t perfect, there might be more efficient ways out there)

First, we will need these five devices.


x1 Game Overlay
x1 Player Coordinates
x2 Property
x1 Respawn

Next, configure the overlay scope to be on player. Here’s a picture just in case:


After that, change the player coordinate device to look like this:

Player Coordinate

Additionally, have the two properties look like this:

x2 Property

“Height” Property

“Latest Height” Property

To add to that, change the respawn device to something like this:


Now to the fun part that everyone loves… BLOCK Coding! Take the overlay device and have
its block activate on the same channel you used for the coordinate device.
Here’s the block coding:


Another way you could prevent the player from jumping is by using a movement meter that requires an item the player doesn’t have. The downside is that the player can’t move at all.

Movement Meter

One last way would be to place barriers everywhere on the map above the players.
However, this would require a lot of memory :frowning:

Ways you could utilize a system like this:
-Make a fun map that players have to beat without jumping at all.

Shown Here

I figured out that players can walk over 1-2 gap jumps.

-Troll map(You could configure the overlay to be a button that has to be pressed to activate the system.
-Make a guide in Gimkit Forums(Joke :slight_smile:)

Here’s the final product :slight_smile:


Lastly, I wanted to say that I want HONEST opinions, it can be as harsh as you wish.

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0 voters

really awesome guide, its unique, and creative


Leaving for the night, I’ll check back in tomorrow.(Nevermind I’m back)


Thank you when I finish the map I will make sure to add this, can you tell me how to make it toggleabell for specific players or just ever other player besideds the person who activates it?

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Instead of putting the question to the poll below the poll you can click the Gear Icon at the bottom:

So you can expand the poll to include the title:

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@WSG Can you put a GIF so we can see the end result?


I tried, but I have no idea how to convert a video to a gif, do any of you have ideas?
(Nevermind I figured it out here’s the final.) :smiley:

Sadly, I can’t edit the poll anymore.

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can we make it where you just cant jump and dont respawn?

Neat guide, but I don’t think the (Platformer Maps ONLY) part is necessary since that’s kind of a given.


nah I think it goes great with the guide Incase they ever decide to add jumping to top down.


The only way for that to work would be placing barriers, but it wouldn’t really work that way either.

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Mini game maps are going to prosper for this invention.

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WELL, you COULD technically replicate this in top-down, the player just has to only use the a and d keys. Basically the same thing.

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this could also be replicated using a zone on top of the player wired to a respawn to respawn.
that could be used for if you jump, you respawn
i do like the fact that you were striving for something automatic.
nice WSG!


That works, just I wanted it so that the player would respawn if you jumped anywhere. Having zones would mean you would either have to tie it to the player’s coordinates or place one everywhere.(Or a big zone) Nonetheless thanks for the insight!

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Instead of putting “(Platformer Maps ONLY)” in the title you can just add the platformer tag.

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Good suggestion! Thanks!
Oof, I can’t edit this post anymore. :frowning:
If anyone can change the title and replace the Platformer Maps ONLY–>[platformer tag, it would be greatly appreciated.

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I’ll add that tag, and remove the thingy.


That is much appreciated. :smiley: