Making a game, any suggestions?

Thank you @I_Like_Props , i’ll work on the props soon.

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Would you like me to make a prototype?

I mean, I have literally nothing else to do…

Oh, sure, thanks @I_Like_Props

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Anyone know how that when you start the game it shows you your role?

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its probably somewhere here among-us idk

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Event Occurs > Trigger Relay

Relay Trigger > Open Popup

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Okay, I’ll start now!

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How do I get the event occurs part?

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w i r e


Never mind, figured out how to!

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For the detectives, (if they are in the same team as the innocents) you can use the “Random Player On Specific Team” setting.

It’s from a Lifecycle btw.

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How do I make the murderer get the weapon and the role?

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Use a Relay with the team the murderers are on.

After you do that connect that relay to a popup.


You can put the ideas tag on this

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Ok, finished!


Oh my god! THAT IS SO GOOD.

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Oh, thanks! Some of the props are off-center, but whatever.
When you finish your lobby, can you show me? I’m just really curious to see how you used my ideas.

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Sure, I’m going to finish the lobby tomorrow, I’ll post the picture as soon as I’m done

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p m l stands for plasma muffin launcher

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