Hello everyone! In this guide you will learn how to make a player respawn when they fall without any zones! WARNING This is definitely not the most memory efficient way to make a system like this, but if you make a height meter system in your game it will be very useful.
This guide contains block code. My second guide.
Hopefully this will be useful for all those difficulty charts or just parkour maps out there. If you haven’t caught on, I like automated systems!
First off, you will need to grab these 8 devices.
x3 Property
Property Device Image
x2 Trigger
Trigger Device Image
x1 Coordinate Device
Coordinate Device Image
x1 Overlay
Overlay Device Image
x1 Respawn
Respawn Device Image
After you grab those devices you will need to make a height meter system to check how high up in Y or how low you are in Y.
Height Meter System
Grab the property and name it “Height” then configure it to look like this:
Next, grab the coordinates device and change it to look like this:
Finally, grab that overlay device and make a block! Make sure the block activates on a Game Tick/Trigger Loop System.
Game Tick System
Grab two triggers and change their settings to look like this:
First trigger:
Second trigger:
The block should activate when that system initiates and the code for the height will look like this:
With that out of the way, it gets more difficult from here on out. Starting with the basic things. Grab those two property devices you have left and configure their settings to look like this:
After that, get the respawn device and have it respawn the player when receiving on a channel:
Now for the most fun part of the entire guide…Mass block coding!!!
Warning! The content past this point can be sensitive for some users. Viewer discretion will be advised.
Now click into that overlay device and copy exactly what I’m going to do. I did the calculations and the block update speed is 20 times/second. Remember this is in the same block you made when creating the height meter system.
Forgive this essay long rant, but to explain all this block code…

Explanation step by step:
First look at the height meter block code and make sure everything on it is correct. You will be attaching other block pieces to this. Next go to the Essentials section and grab a “set property value” piece. Attach this piece to the bottom of your “set text” piece. Next grab one “get property” piece from Essentials and attach it to the value place. Get the “Height” property or the name of the property you used for the height meter system. Now for the “set property,” attach the “Latest Height” property. This will make it so that the block will update your latest height to be the height you’re at.
Now you will get a “If, do” piece from the Logic section. Also, grab an inequality piece from the Logic section. Change the equal sign to a greater than sign. Next, grab two "get property’ pieces and attack the “Height” property to one and the “Latest Height” property to the other. Now place the "Latest Height’ piece first in front of the greater than symbol and place the “Height” property after the greater than symbol. This will check “if” the “Latest Height” is greater than the “Height” property. After, grab a “set property value” piece from the Essentials section and set the property “Fall Time” to +20 using the plus something by something in the Math section.
Almost done! Next, go to the setting button next to the if in the “if, do” piece and attach a “else if” under the “if” in the setting. Click the setting button again to get rid of it blocking your screen. Now, in the “else, if” piece attach the inequality piece from the Logic section to the “else if” and change the inequality sign to a less than sign. Now grab two of the “get property” pieces and set it up the same way you did on the top with the greater than sign. This will check if your “Latest Height” is less than your “Height” and the property updates slower than your “Height” meaning if you are falling it will check the “Latest Height” as less than the “Height” property. Now, in the “do” section get a “set property value” piece from the Essentials section and attach it to the “do” section. Grab a “get property” piece and attach the “Fall Time” property to that. Next, grab a number piece from the Math section and write 0 on it and attach that to the value. This will make it so that when you respawn the “Latest Height” won’t be stuck on a value of over 0 and consistently respawn you.
Nearing the end! Grab another “If, do” piece from the Logic section and attach it below the “else, if” piece. Attach another inequality piece from the Logic section and have the symbol as an equal sign. Get the “get property” piece and attach the “Fall Time” property to it and attach that in front of the equal sign. Now for the value the “Fall Time” would equal… Is 100! Get the number piece from the Math section and change the 0 to a 100 and attach that to the place after the equal sign. In the “do” section grab the “broadcast message on channel” piece and attach a text piece saying the same channel your respawn device has. Right now the player will respawn after their falling value gets to 100. Lastly, grab the “set property value” piece and place it under the “broadcast message on channel” piece. Have the property as “Fall Time” and the value as 0. Attach that entire thing on top of the “set text” piece that houses your height meter system. Phew, with all that said I hope you are able to fully comprehend how all this block coding works!
Thanks to Turtle for telling me how to zoom out.
The downside of having this system in your parkour map is that you have to place the parkour at least above 19m for the system to work. Other than that, I truly believe this system will help improve many parkour maps that use the height meter system and people don’t need to use zones anymore.
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