Machine Learning / AI

Machine Learning is basically AI.

This seems really interesting and I hope you can figure out how to make it!


I used that word as in a reference to this book

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Here’s where I learned everything I know about ML/AI for the most part, if anyone is interested:

When I try opening it

My keyboard right now

So, are you trying to make a chat AI? Good luck on storing the data…

Keyboard is looking great (until the triggers come knocking).

This is already painful

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Well you could use like online bot websites where you could supposedly code a bot to do something in your game

The only issue with your idea of a chat bot is the Algorithm because it cant just answer what you wrote in its own words to understand its a letter. 1 letter at a time. the algorithm would have to be it talking about a random thing
its yet to understand words in this kind of situation

Random ideas for AI:

  • Maze-Solving AI
  • Tic-Tac-Toe AI
  • Arcade Snake AI

I’ll add more as we go. Feel free to try to make any of the above (I might start on a snake AI bc I already made snake before).

I agree. While chat AI is a goal, I think we should probably take somewhat smaller steps and make simpler AIs. Creating a Chatbot will be lots of work, if not impossible within the memory constraint.

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he said he wants a chat AI specifically

They should add a work in progress tag.

? it says WIP right on this thing wdym they should add that tag ITS A TAG

I added the wip tag
Wip= work in progress

I’m officially an idiot - I didn’t know that’s what it meant!

I recommend using channels instead of wires for the keyboard.

Also- pretty sure this is Gimpossible becuase the way generative text AI works is that it has hundreds of thousands pages worth of training data. What it then does is when it gets a text imput from a user, it looks through the data for what it should say next. The problem with this in gimkit is storing and processing training data. All of this doesn’t even take into account that newer AI models don’t even use this method- they use a neural network.


Work in progress

I don’t think a chat AI similar to even simple versions of chatgpt can be reasonably done. You would need to simulate billions of nodes, and gimkit doesn’t have that storage space.

I would train the ai outside of gimkit, and run it within. Would be much easier.

As for the link saying unsafe- yeah, don’t enter any passwords in it. But other than that, it’s fine and a great resource!

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No, it doesn’t allow me to use it at all - how do you train the ai outside of gimkit, and run it within

You can access the link, if you click advanced there is a link underneath that says “Proceed to… (unsafe)”