Lore Request, hoping to get some ideas

This is going to be a pretty interesting post.

Basically I need some lore for my game.

This is the new game mode I’m making, The King’s Betrayal
(some of you may have seen the naming poll)

Here is the basic overview of the game:
Players will vote on a game mode.
Currently only two options.
You will then be teleported to the map.
One player will be the King/Queen, and
you must defeat them.

I want to have three different game modes and have the players vote.

The game modes I thought of were:

In game mode one, the King has three lives.
Each player has one.
If a player gets knocked out, they will be forced to spectate.
Recommended at least 5 players.

In game mode two, only one player is the player rebelling.
Others are soldiers, and when knocked out,
will go onto the rebel’s team.
The king must try to kill the rebel before they
recruit too many soilders.

My third game mode is still in the creative process….

But i kind of need something like,
-the location/kingdom
-the betrayal…i have zero ideas for this one.
-the backstory of the characters leading the rebellion

Stuff like that. Maybe like a little lore room you can go to.

Im so sorry to whoever is reading that whole thing. Im going to bold the important parts


hey, just a heads up, I honestly think lore should be made by yourself, cause you are the only person who played the game, right? well, I’ll try to help. gimme a while
a) I’m in school
b) good lore takes good time.

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Um yes but i was entirely stuck

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Plus sometimes you get something better with some more ideas.

I can write
is there anything that is more important to do?


Not really it’s mostly done. The mechanics are anyway. I have a friend on decoration.

The King’s Betrayal takes place in the kingdom of Aranthia, a prosperous land ruled by King Aldric and his queen, Isadora. The kingdom was known for its abundant resources, strong armies, and a just and fair ruler. However, the peace and prosperity were short-lived as the king’s closest advisor, Lord Roderick, betrayed him and took control of the kingdom.

Lord Roderick was once a loyal advisor who had gained the trust and respect of King Aldric. However, he became greedy for power and riches and decided to overthrow the king. He formed an alliance with other nobles and promised them wealth and power if they helped him in his plan.

During the night of the betrayal, Lord Roderick’s army attacked the palace and killed many of the king’s guards. King Aldric and Queen Isadora were captured, and Lord Roderick declared himself the new ruler of Aranthia. However, there were still some loyalists who refused to accept this new ruler and formed a rebellion.

The rebellion was led by three characters - a skilled archer named Elena, a brave knight named Marcus, and a cunning rogue named Aiden. They were once allies of the king and queen and were devastated by the betrayal. They vowed to take back the kingdom and restore the rightful ruler to the throne.

As the rebellion gained momentum, the king and queen were kept captive in the palace, and Lord Roderick ruled with an iron fist. He was paranoid about the rebellion and ordered his soldiers to capture anyone who was suspected of supporting the rebels.

The rebellion was gaining ground, and Lord Roderick knew that he had to put an end to it. He decided to hold a tournament in which the winner would get to face him in a one-on-one battle. However, his real motive was to lure the rebels out of hiding and capture them.

I made it fast cuz I made a game w/ similar lore, so I just edited some stuff.


Dang that’s actually awesome. Mine would have been like

In the Gimdom of insert name here there was an evil king who told his subjects he would do something and then didnt do it the end.

you cna edit names and stuff, i like to use irl names, instead of Gim[inset] or [insert]Gim or smthn like that

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I’m just saying… I put this through 3 separate AI detectors and all of them gave 100%… if you actually used AI there’s nothing wrong with that, you don’t have to hide it.

That being said, if you didn’t use AI and want to continue to claim that as your work, please correct me.

There isn’t anything wrong with using AI, there’s just something wrong with claiming it as your work. soooo idk lol. If you did use it and want to admit to it, you can do that too, I’m not gonna judge you haha.

(AI detectors are known for their inaccuracy which is why I’m not like deadset on you using it lol)


oh yeah my original was about half ai and I’m a good writer, so the ai checker must have, like, you know.

also ai isn’t 100% correct

edit: blackhole sry I didn’t see ur edit

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I dont care if they used AI its fine.


Yeah I just get ticked off if people use AI in works they claim are AI free.

I mean look at it from my perspective: I’m a pretty good writer, but a 1st grader (to clarify, I’m not calling @DXCTYPE a first grader) could beat me by just typing a few words into an AI. I really don’t like my years of hard work learning to write well being undermined like that (The fourth grader gets more credit for submitting better work than me), so that’s why I care.

That being said, AI isn’t bad, it’s just really annoying to people who work hard when you claim AI as your personal work, done solely by you with no help.


yeah, as i said, it was about half-ai

okay now back on-topic


Imagine if some 1st grader typed in, “cool castle” into AI into an art contest, and won against some guy who dedicated his entire life to art, lol.

But lore? Hm… Maybe the location could be a mountain, and backstory of the leader of the rebellers could be a prisoner that broke out and is now starting a revolution.

(my bad, DXCTYPE, as soon as I finished posting your edit came up)


Okay i took it and changed it a little

The King’s Betrayal takes place in the Gimdom of Aranthia,
a prosperous land ruled by King Gimrick and his queen, Gimette.
The kingdom was known for its abundant resources,
strong armies, and a just and fair ruler.

However, the peace and prosperity were
short-lived as the king’s closest advisor,
Lord Fluffy, betrayed him and took control of the gimdom.

Lord Fluffy was once a loyal advisor who
had gained the trust and respect of King Gimrick.
However, he became greedy for power
and riches and decided to overthrow the king.

He formed an alliance with other nobles
and promised them wealth and power
if they helped him in his plan.
During the night of the betrayal,
Lord Fluffy’s army attacked the palace
and killed many of the king’s guards.

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