Lives UI For my platformer battle royale map

So I made a lives UI for my platformer battle royale, but I want it to actually show how many lives you have left on the player’s screen because currently, you can’t actually tell how many lives you have left.

so your lives are a property, right?

just place an overlay, set it to text, go into blocks, have it receive on a channel from the property when it updates, and set the text to the property.

this probably makes sense but if you need more explaination happy to do it.


here gimme a sec ill show u what I have so far
I have this
Screenshot 2024-04-15 7.40.47 AM
and then the lifecycle is player knocked out
then this is the wire from the lifecycle to the counter:

a team switcher like this:

then finally a wire from the counter to the team switcher:

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Link the counter to a property, ‘Lives’.

then place an overlay and make a block:


ok lemme make sure this works before I mark it as a solution

oh and also,
this is a battle royale so should I change the scope of the property to global?

do not do that. that will make everyone lose lives when one person does. as such, make sure the count scope is player.

Oh… alright I gotchu

other question: do you want people to spectate when they have 0 lives or when they are knocked out at 0 lives?

just asking because i know how to do it

i want people to spectate when they have 0 lives
edit 2:I finished all the steps above.

ok then. what you currently are making does that.

test it. the one i made just now works.

uh whenever i get knocked out,it still is at 5 lives:
Screenshot 2024-04-15 7.59.06 AM

did you make sure that the property transmits on a channel when it updates?

this is what i have now:

and this is the block on game overlay:
Screenshot 2024-04-15 8.02.17 AM

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should work. that’s what mine looks like.

no it does not. I used a sentry for the ko and it worked fine.

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Does this affect anything?
I used a sentry to knock myself out.

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any new developments?

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imma try getting an alt to knock me out.
maybe it’s because of the sentry I used.

It’s not. I used a sentry and it was fine.

should i change anything with my game overlay?
edit here’s my overlay: