List of tags to avoid in GKC forum

They are sort of joke tags, but not obviously bad enough to be ignored

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I will remove on-topic since that tag should not input attention, but I will keep bbsi since it once had use.


I have a tag suggestion.


Can I make these changes soon?

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that’s a pretty big change

maybe ask on the other guide

an @ here ping might be ok in this case

That is a pretty big change, it makes more sense to me though.

Perhaps I will overhaul the tags now.

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You could add the joke tags under their own section so that people know why they were created and also let them know you shouldn’t use them.

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@Riptide, please stop using the duplicate tag.


I put it on those topics becuase I saw a few ones where people tried to make a guide and it was a duplicate so they deleted it, and the off-topic tag didn’t feel very fitting. For example, on your deleted guide about the crafting table. Anyway, I’ll stop my bad.


And SOMEONE who will go UNNAMED decided to make a tag for bugs called “not-working”. The intelligence meter was running low.



Should we use duplicate?
  • YES
  • NO
0 voters

My vote: We should use it since some topics don´t have a point of being tagged as off-topic. But against this, we could just not tag duplicate topics with off-topic


We don’t need to tag duplicate topics because they just shouldn’t exist anyway.


My vote:
No, we probably shouldn’t use it as it just promotes clutter for making duplicate topics, if somebody knew that their topic was a duplicate and tagged it as that, why post that topic if you know it’s not needed?
I know that sometimes regulars can tag it as duplicate but for the most part it isn’t really needed.
As for guides, it’s pretty much the same thing except it promotes plagiarism.
If a guide is built on by another mechanic that was already made, as long as it’s original it doesn’t need to be tagged duplicate.
I also don’t see the real use why people would want to search for duplicate topics to waste their time which is the exact purpose tags are used for, to categorize topics and make it easier for the reader to search what they’re looking for.


Who will search up duplicate topics? No one. If we want to inform users, we use the title, not the tags. It would be like the off-topic tag where people use it as an excuse to post off topic. Having more tags would just confuse users.


Bump. People need to read this. If they are new, this is one of the very first things you need to look at.

This is not meant to be a double bump.

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i honestly believe we should get rid of the off-topic tag.

When people say how it is used, they usually say one of these things:

  1. It’s so a moderator will see it and unlist it
    Don’t the moderators get notified when someone flags a post?

  2. It’s so people will flag it, especially regulars who have stronger flags
    If a person is a regular, they have most likely been on the forum long enough to know if it is off-topic or not

Also, it is constantly used as a reason to off-topic post because new users don’t understand it’s meaning (creating more off-topic clutter)

I needed to get my opinion out on this, and i thought this was the best post to do it on.

Thanks for listening to my rant!


This totally makes sense!

However, only moderators can delete tags. Ideally we would delete all sorts of tags, but we can’t. Jeff also just doesn’t care enough to delete them.


yeah, but maybe we can try to stop tagging it on things, and eventually people would maybe forget about it?


Eventually, they might. There would still be 325 topics tagged off-topic out there though.


we could try removing all the tags?