Layers don't work

layers have layers within themselves; the primary layer has the most notable one. the lower half of the layer list goes below you, middle section is the one you want, and the top section goes over you

If you want the entire tree to be above you the entire time just put it above the primary to the top layer.

No, it should be primary and it is, but it doesn’t always work.

huh that is weird it doesn’t happen on mine

then that means the props are on the upper section of the primary layer thingamajig

Yea This Is a bug that’s been happening lately

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Did you make the tree above players? Are you sure its the right tree?

NOT ABOVE PLAYERS, for the last time! PRIMARY! I have painstakingly moved all the props around on the layers, and it works for now, but I am making my map bigger. I hope this doesn’t happen all over again.

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