(LAST CHANCE) Thumbnail for War Forge

~Guys don’t argue~


This is only for the thumbnail of War forge back on topic now.

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you know what everyone keeps saying and you dont get the hint
there are more people telling ppl off for off topicness than there is offtopicness
just drop it!! everyone has moved on, why are you jsut starting again! we get it, you want is us to shut up, AND WE HAVE
end of!!! off topic for 2 minutes isnt going to kill you, and we had already esatblished it was offyopic
now back on.

I really understand, got any thumbnails?

Good job but I think you should change the title colour.


Can I get a screenshot of a part of the map?

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Yes as long is on topic.

Yes it is on topic, I can make you a thumbnail.

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do you think it is going to win?

Maybe they’s going to be a voting system soon.

Hello guys this has been ended last replies are over voting is now here: (LAST CHANCE) War Forge Vote for thumbnail - Help - Gimkit Creative

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