Kill Log and XP earning

For whatever reason, my kill log does not show up in games, and I can’t earn any more xp, even though I haven’t reached my cap yet. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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you probably either did reach the cap, purchased too much inmap stuff, or are just not actually doing this idk im stupid :slight_smile:

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The xp bar says that I have 5000 more xp to go until I reach the cap.

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my xp bar is so weird sometimes. Sometimes it says you have earned 15,248 XP. Then I refresh it and it says I have earned 14,211 XP. (Note that these are random numbers that I think is rounded to the real rounded number :confused:)


And then how about the missing kill log? (Pretty sure a lot of the amongus makers would want to know how to do that though)

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how do you even make one appear lol


Yeah you can only earn 15.000 xp.

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ngl i hate how they added the limit

especially with skins being expensive

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Can u even earn xp in creative maps and how do u do it/

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No. I mean the normal maps

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but then they could never reuse gims because everyone would already have them

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You can only earn xp in gimkit creative games by answering questions.

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You currently can’t earn XP right now (if you’re reading this during school, this was posted in August 13, 2023 during summer) as Gimkit shut that down. It’ll be back next week.

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If you play fullscreen (atleast on chromebook) the kill log is still there. At least that happens for me
Don’t know if it will work for you

How’d ya know?

because that’s the school week

Oh, school is already here for me so I was confused.