It's possible view and to put devices and props pass the border what about a gim?

okay well i’d recomend

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OH wait on April fools you could jump 3X? I wouldn’t know I was not on that day.


it was a joke by the devs, no games would work except DLD and it was all a “bug, that the devs are working very fast to fix” and you could jump 3X in all platformer games (this was before the relases of knockback i belive)

I was there but that was this year/2024.

i um need plat former pls um nothing i’m gonna do… :sweat_smile:

yes it was. if you want another idea on border bypass. i belive knockback is built the same as DLD. ive gotten pass the de@th barrier and the bottom of the map is solid stars. an nothing anywhere on the floor (didn’t take long only a couple hours)
but in knockback you can get to 999% damage by knocking them up. so my idea is to knock people up constantly at 999% and eventally someone will hit the roof. i belive in the map you are 150-100 m off the ground so 900 meters from the roof. it only take 1000 meters to reach that invis barrier at the corner of the map. so in theory if you get high enough and then fall far enough you could get outside of the map.

but this is all complicated. you would need to do a TAS if you even wish todo this. or tons of very coopertivie people.

anyway, if you need anything related to DLD or platformers im willing to help. just ping me.

@Lostsea3 do you have dld/platformer

I have gotten 999% by someone shoo.ting endlessly up at a block while someone jumped and is “Floating” below the block from the pixels shot and endlessly hitting them.

I do, but everyone does. its the one you can open in the questions you can open, if we are talking about open world build on discovery, then no, the devs capped the build at 600 meters and a little more, i think they did that to make sure you build less and can’t preform glitches… so theres nothing to gain in the GKC build worlds, but DLD you can get to by making a question set, making a DLD game, and then playing it.

means they clicked off the page, so thats one way to build extrem momuentem. but the devs capped the momuentem and made sure you slow down faster. so its not possible to have endless built up speed. as you slow down fast, which is why speed boosting in dld speed running is gone.

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okay cause I don’t but need it to test something

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need a platformer GKC map? no i don’t have one. but you can keep your eye out on wix for free builds


okay. well there are live games posted on discovery. they are not legal (against community guidelines) but you can j0in them and maybe on might have a platformer map. but otherwise you might need to ask an irl freind.

Don’t recommended joining live games. Live games can get your account suspended.


yes dont jo1n them like @Blackhole927

Okay then that i’m not doing back to my art

i understand that. its risky, but its the only way i know if wix is blocked. wish there was a better way to have a way to share games than rely on external sites

Stop getting off-topic.

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