Item shape help

Which item looks the closest to an air bubble?

Maybe a snowball?


Thanks! I had an idea to make a Mario-style air meter for things like being underwater, being in poison gas, or being in a location that drains health. All I need now is a regenerative mechanic


huh? what?
im confuzzled.
what is a regenerative mechanic?

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on second thoughts, dont answer that.

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By regenerative mechanic, do you mean like a slow mechanic that gives you oxygen over time, or perhaps safe zones scattered around that would instantly replenish your oxygen?

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The first one. Like how in a video game, your oxygen meter is refilled by not being in water.


You could probably use a true/false property : if false, then deplete, if true, give the “breath”, and use an inventory item manager to cap the amount of breath you can have.


Or maybe use zones to do it, the zone could be the air, and you could use counters or whatever.

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I feel like using the zones as the water would be easier…


Hey how do you use true/false properties? Never learned and never tinkered with them.

I don’t really know myself. I’ve played around with them before, but I wasn’t able find much out. In the end, I kind of gave up and used number properties instead, with 1 serving as true and 2 serving as false… I think I posted a question about true or false properties here before though…not sure.


Just use a zone wired/channeled to a trigger that uses blocks to set a true/false property to true when player enters zone, and false when player leaves zone

@NavyCatZ or @Zypheir, do you know how to use true/false properties?

Yes, but how do you use true/false properties? They seem different than normal number properties.

The main difference is that they have a logic block to set value instead of a text or math block

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And obviously that they can only be set to true or false

Thank you! That cleared up some confusion!


ohhhhhhhhh. That’s how you use them. I was only sticking with trying to set a number with them, logic blocks never occured to me…

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