Item granters broken when inventory full

The item granter won’t grant items even if the inventory isn’t full if you set it to don’t grant when the inventory is full

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Is it the amount granted more than how much your inventory can hold? Because if you have 9/10, and it is set to grant 2, it can’t grant it because the amount granted will surpass your limit.

Welcome to our community! That’s weird. Try troubleshooting a bit.

Try grant safe amount.

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Welcome to the community!

That’s weird…What did you do in the item granter? Is there any blocks?

I have my item restricter set to restrict item to one, and the granter will only grant one

after more trouble shooting it just won’t fill your inventory. For example: if i had an item granter restricted to don’t grant that would grant 1 item but i had a manager restricting the maximum of that item to 2, the granter will get me to one, but when I try again it won’t get up to max. Essentially, for the purposes of item restriction, setting it to don’t grant will reduce your maximum by one if you are giving out the item in increments of one.

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screenshots of my setup

Your grant strategy is “Don’t grant”.

yes, so this shouldn’t grant when it would fill over the top, but it’ll grant the first bait, but not the second one

Welcome to the community, @Hollori!

Welcome to the community!

Welcome to the Community!

welcome to the community @Hollori!

Didn’t you already welcome them?

welcome to the community @Hollori!

That’s because your max amount is set to 2 so you cannot have 2 or more

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Also welcome to the community @Hollori!

I was under the assumption that that was was supposed to happen when the amount granted was greater than your remaining space
