Item Drop KO System

Hey guys! I decided since the crafting table came out, why not make a Minecraft map? But, I need help. How do you make (if it’s possible) a thing where everything that player has drops when they get knocked out?

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@zap_bolt I’m pretty sure that someone made it I forgot the name let me check

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I’ll search it up to see if someone asked this already.

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Yea it doesn’t work anymore

  1. by here_to_help ↩︎

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@gimkit_h4ck3r he made Gim craft ask him

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Ok, thanks for all the help!

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It’s complicated…
Already hard enough for among us…


If it’s too complicated, it’s fine, I’ll just leave it out, because even the guides are slightly confusing.

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I might be wrong, but I think that guide doesn’t work anymore.

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Well that just proves it even more, ya I’ll just not bother about it.


yea it doesn’t work anymore

Can’t you just change the map options to make the player drop everything? That should work, if he’s trying to make a minecraft map.

@Godspawnking That’s not a setting I just checked, there’s only settings to make your items disappear after dying.

Thanks for the suggestion, though.

Block code? It can check if its an integer from 1-999
whatever it is, make it equal to how many it had, and drop that much on player? I’m not sure it would work though, just an idea.

Atleast Im pretty sure it can check it. Just use properties!

That would work, however I’m not the best with block code.

I’m good with properties, so maybe that could work.

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Property, make it check it, and make it drop on player, Im no good on making block code guides, so try block code, or get help.

But try that, when it works, then nice. If not, no idea.

Ok, thanks for all your help guys!

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