Item assistance

So let’s say i want one team to spawn with one item, other teams to spawn with a different item, and both teams to spawn with one of the same items. How would you propose i do that?

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Have a lifecycle, wired to a relay with the settings "all players on specific team, and choose the team number, then wire that to an item granter, which grants the item you want to give them.


Ok thanks, i’ll try that right away


ok so i have the lifecycle wired to the relay and have the relay set to “all players on specific team”, even though I chose team 1 it’s still giving it to team 1 and 2

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ummm… send me a picture of the setup and the settings of the relay/item granter/ lifecycle. I may not be able to answer until tommorow

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(the banana item granted has the same settings as blaster item granter)

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You need two relays, one for each team. Then, Team 1’s relay goes to one item, and Team 2’s goes to the other.


that is if they want the banana and the blaster to go to different teams


ok so i had two then i deleted it to check something now I’ve added it and it doesn’t work on either team and the blaster is still going to both teams

ok i get what wrong now, basically I don’t actually have two teams enabled because I have it so one random person is chosen to be on team two, which messes it up because the game is set to co-op

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anyone with a bigger brain then me got any ideas?

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What you need? And I don’t know about bigger brain, lol.

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i need to make it so one team gets an item but the other doesn’t, but I don’t officially have two teams enabled, because of a whole thingy I just explained

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Hm. Maybe you could use a relay, and item granter, to give it to those specific teams. Then a random integer with block code, find a randomizer, to randomly give one of those items.

Example, relays to specific team, and it transmit channel for item granter. Then, get a trigger, block code, get variable, random integers, randomize it, and broadcast it for the item granter. Try that maybe?

Get something that triggers the relay, and it seems like your using a lifecycle, so after, hook it all up, then see if it works. Not sure, but if it does, no problem, if working, nice!

i would but you lost me at integers

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Simple. Make a variable, put it into a random integer from 1 to 2. Get the if, then do block, add at the top area the if, your variable = 1, then put it in the, then do broadcast message channel for the first item, repeat but change it to =2, and the broadcast message.

Also, integers is a fancy word for numbers.

If doesn’t work, tell me.