Issue with Gimburger Skin

The lettuce of the gimburger skin sticks out over the bun when falling in platformer mode.

Design issue, kinda offtopic so close this by solutionizing(do what metal Sonic said)

thats weird, maybe contact gimkit (idk how you would fix it)
Fulcrum-19 i think this is your best answer

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this isn’t something that’s critical, it’s just a slight design issue, please close this, it is off-topic

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It’s a bug so I’m reporting it using Bugs tag. Don’t really understand how that’s off topic.

because it doesnt effect game play, you only make a Bugs topic only iff effects the game play

I think you only make a bugs topic if it is related to Gimkit Creative. If all the buttons in the editor turned green and the issue fixed on reload, that would arguably be deserving of a Bugs topic.

Gimkit glitches, like item shop not updating or Gimkit crashing, are not Creative related.

You can contact Gimkit with this at if you think it’s a bug, that’s still fine. I actually thought it was just the shading.

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