Is this update Or a Bug?

go up back near the top and you will see that someone called it a bug @Kosm0-o

Oh what about It really (still didn’t know what you meant 6 replies ago)

yo @Shade i just made a new map and…

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What what the that super weird have you changed anything in map options?

Wait this just got moved to bugs well then is there a solution then now

I have two different theories, one that this is actually a bug, and map options is a dev device, or it could be a photoshop.

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I know how to get rid of it just click on some other stuff and it’ll go away I have had this bug too

It’s Not a photo shop just to let you know

Well I’ll try that later thanks


Yea that’s better, so could some one email gimkit for me about this to let them know or…would this be another ping thing


try changing map options and see if the bug shows


i changed some and know it just looks like this

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Yep there’s the bug it’s like a mini short cut to map options


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I didn´t get it lol

Have you just made a new map and changed map options??