Is this possible😬

You would need a million checkers that check and then when player knocked out (Ko manager) it checks the propertys that the checkers updated and if they equal “YES” then it has item granters that grant the maximum amount of the item and then another one granting one of that item and then - the maximum amount amount this would take like 20% memory but sadly it is the only way…

good idea would you agree @drewbie ?

I know, I never said otherwise.

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@somodd.exe you could make it so it’ll delete every single thing in map settings

Yeah, that’s totally possible.

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I am aware, however the task is to make it so it drops when they are knocked out, and I am unsure of how to do that in the settings. It should be possible with devices, but I am not sure about how to do that either.

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Yes It’s Very very easy.


guys I have already said how…

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Ill change it yep.:+1: This part is to get 20 characters.

I don’t think it’s possible right now to make players drop items in a way that allows them to be picked up right now without huge amounts of devices or block code. However, you can definitely make it so that players lose their items!
This is Battle Royale, right?
If it is, then I’m guessing players switch to spectator when eliminated. In that case, they’d lose their items anyway, so it must be meant to be about dropping pick-up-able items.
In that case, it would be extremely annoying to make, as you would have to have loads and loads of checkers, plus you might have to cover the entire map in images and buttons that get activated and deactivated unless you want to use block code.

life cycle and inventory manager

its possible with smth i just forgot

wait I found the solution:

Not possible sadly. But, if you want it like this, go to the second paragraph.

It should be researched but it’s extremely difficult. The annoying part is we can’t drop any items, we can check what items they have to drop, but we can’t do the dropping itself. Like drop on the ground.

But if you want to grant into the players inventory, you would have to see who did an elimination and who got knocked out and when they pair up with each other do checkers to give the player who did the elimination the player who was knocked out their inventory with lots of checkers. If the player has a max amount of item slots, it will drop on them but not the player.

(Just wanted to add on)

Maybe to drop all of the items on the floor, the manager can detect the number of items in contrast to the number of slots, do the math, and add items to fill the remaining slots, then immediately delete them after they have been “knocked out.”

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We could do all items possible to hold in a slot added to a counter.

Then doing math x- amount of items they have and that’s how many dummy items to add in. Then we delete them and make it so the items they have drop on the ground, but that won’t work because of AUO the order of everything of knocking out first,

Like they get knocked but it’s too late to do anything. Might have to investigate into that though. If it still works like making it so a player can still like when knocked the player is knocked but they still OK IGNORE THAT

when a player is knocked, it can go through a lot of triggers to slow the thing down, and then grant lots of items on player to see if it drops in that stop. Ignore the lots of triggers parts though.

If this works, we might have found how to make items drop on knock out.

Maybe go to world settings and have the player retain all items, but when knocked out, it sends a signal to an inventory manager that completes the process above, but instead of deleting some of the items, it deletes all of them, effectively deleting items after being “knocked out.”