Is there any way to make a screen fade into and out of black?

This is making me go mad the way I am doing it. I wondered if anyone else had a different solution?

No codes here, or previews! This does not belong here!

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It’s fine as long as you don’t do it again, and welcome to the community!

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Also, why is this in community-made-guides?

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Can you delete the post?

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Press the three dots at the bottom of the post, and then press the trash can.

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Huh, weird.

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You’ve removed the part of the post that was against this forum’s community guidelines, so you can still keep the post up - just rewrite the post to comply with the guidelines and there shouldn’t be any issues :]


Check this comment I made. You may have to alter it a bit but that’s the general idea. Welcome to the community!


I used a ton of barriers and made them each different percents of visibility and had them appear one by one. The amount of times I had to delete all those barriers and then re-do the 12 triggers is uncanny

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