Is there any way to make a popup button response say a players name

Is there any way to make a popup button response say a players name? Cuz if it does I have an idea

In the blocks, it will

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How? What blocks would I need?

Go into the blocks.

Set Content/Header | Create Text With “Triggering Player’s Name”
Extra text here
1 Like From the custom inventory post by @Nasou44

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I’ll check it out thanks

Is there any way that I could make it so once the players name is clicked they die. I gtg so I’ll check this later thanks :slight_smile:

What do you mean by that?

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The call to action button with the players name clicked, they turn to spectator/die @Haiasi


Ooh, thanks. I was wondering how ima try this all out rn!

Call to actions can’t be renamed in block code like the main message can, making this a lot harder than it looks.


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