Is there any way I can make enemies spawn every few seconds?

I want to make a vampire survivors type game, but I’m not sure if there is any tool that can do that.

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welcome @Angieburb to creative forms!

No, sorry. Sentries can’t move. Also, you can’t create new instances of sentries like Roblox Studio.

Hold on, the Grim Builder has a way.
Buuut this needs a guide. Do you want one?

yes they can i know how to make them move.

Sentries are stationary, and the only way for them to move is to activate/deactivate. I’m thinking of barriers and blocks.

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I could use repeaters and sentries but the memory cost would be too much. Welcome to the forums @Angieburb I’m new here too

The only way to have them move is on platformer with teleporters that it falls into with gravity.

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Hey, let’s give our friend his first badge. @Angieburb

Repeaters… uhm… we don’t talk about them Brunos. Sentries do cost a lot, some 1000 for the first and 500 for the rest.

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What he wants is to make an animation of a boss

Nice catch I didn’t see that… device

Hey, I was the one who said it. @Slim

We, uh, don’t assume genders, sorry . They also never said they wanted an animation…
EDIT: Oops didn’t know I hyperlinked

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That’s what I understood

We don’t assume genders, but please don’t correct other people. Only if you are called by the wrong gender is it appropriate. You don’t know how users are going to react.