Is there a way to set players on cooldown after they tag somebody?

Is there a way to set players on cooldown after they tag somebody? If so, how?

well if its in gamemodes then its real

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Yes, so if you have a tag zone then use wire or channels to either a repeater, triggers, or wire repeaters with the setting pf when tagged start repeater, trigger the tigger, start wire repeater ect, and if you are using a repeater or tiggers put it on when activated/triggered send on channel and that channel will deactivate the zone using a time that is connected the the previous repeater/triggers and have it whenever target value reached send on channel, and that channel will reactivate the zone, but also make the same restart time when receiving on the same channel as when target value reached. And I think that’s it, sorry if it was a little complicated.


Pls mark a solution, if topic is resolved

I don’t think they have seen it yet.

can you simplify that?

Sure or at least I will try

Actually I don’t even understand it anymore I guess I was smart for a few minutes :melting_face:

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isnt it just when tagged zone turns= off for a lil then turns back on?

(Tag Zone) Player tags another player —> (Wire Repeater 1)

(Wire Repeater 1) When the wire repeater receives a pulse… —> (Tag Zone) Deactivate Tag Zone

(Wire Repeater 1) When the wire repeater receives a pulse… —> (Wire Repeater 2) Repeat the wire pulse!

(Wire Repeater 2) When the wire repeater receives a pulse… —> (Tag Zone) Activate Tag Zone

This is literally all you need.
(Not trying to be mean)


Basically (I can’t seem to spell today)

Yea there we go @Haiasi is smart

No actually that sounded wrong, everyone is smart

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Figured it out I can give you how

All you do is get tag zone, trigger, repeater, counter

Make the tag zone trigger the trigger so then the trigger than deactivates it but the trigger triggers the repeater that makes the counter go to the target of 5 which when reached reactivates zone