Is there a way to make it so you can track where your enemies are (Resolved)

@NavyCatZ why is he trying to change my game

Look at my edit

can I go in it

lol you guys spamming my triggers


Way to be neater everyone!

why were actualy trying to work will u help @MrNobody2


sent it to you

I will

can i help? I’ve been rlly bored

@Apoll02 is that critisism? they were random people running around the game how was i supposed to trust them?

Well, I trust them. I’ve worked on games with them before

who? I’m not criticizing anything. I didn’t add anyone


Btw we can’t edit anything. Turn on editing

@NavyCatZ he wasn’t helping and really none of u really currently are no offense but you’ve been asking what u can do and still nothings been done

yes here is teh link Is there a way to make it so you can track where your enemies are - #260 by Geoffrey.Nafeygmail

we need edit