Is there a way to make it so you can track where your enemies are (Resolved)

I don’t know, just running around, can I get permissions?

the stuff that your seeing right now are past attemps and i kept them because tghey allowed ONE person to follow ONE enemy




wait a sec
@Geoffrey.Nafeygmail why you so intersted in other poeples private info? looking back, no offence but you sound like a stalker…
this is funny

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sorry you guys just sound like my clones and im trying to make sure your not aliens hahahaha and also why are u so worried you litterealy have my full name

…which is admittedly not the smartest thing to do…

how longdoes it take to tyyppppeeeeeeee

hey apollo u want to help me a bit I have to repeat the design in those top corners into the bottom corners

i know its not the smartest but i can’t change it yet

you cant ever change it


whoa that was so quick!
@Apoll02 you get the fastest room service award


thats what i was gonna say how did u do that?

Do what?

you finishe the bottom left corner so quick I am STILL doing last minute touches on the top right

i have to delete that now

Apollo is that some kind of hack?