Is there a way to make gravity lower in Platformer?

like that they’re in space and stuff.

no i don’t think so, but they may add it in the future!


if you would like to suggest it, do it at

or email
either works
so does both

maybe a barrier with collision that turns off and on repeatedly so you keep getting stopped by barrier then it dissapears and so on

Their email I would say is not best, Nolt is better for this situation

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Yeah, please don’t message them for just suggestions, there’s a whole site for it.

I’m not suggesting it, I’m just saying that they might add it later!

sorry if it felt like I was suggesting it.

oh ok
cuz they responded to my email pretty quick so I thought…
but ok!

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i used nolt once and mt sugestion someone deleted it

thats wierd that should not be possible, What exactly did you suggest?

Their is a physics tab in map options that’s empty


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